1022 Danforth Avenue

Toronto, ON M4J 1M2

+1 416-461-0920

24/7 Customer Support

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Office Open For Visitors

Travel Insurance

We offer you all types of insurance, travel insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, dental insurance, health insurance property insurance vehicle insurance and other insurance.

We will custom tailor the insurance policies to your needs and budgets so that it won’t become a burden to your family.


World ways travel always tries to keep you safe and healthy by providing you the best services in fewer prices.


Our team of experts will meet you to understand your requirements and your monetary situation and they will analyze the various insurance policies offered by various banks to match your needs in your estimated budget.


Our travel insurance policies are of great price which will help you in unforeseen conditions regarding your health while traveling or baggage lost, Illness or accident.

We will help you in reimbursing the sum assured in the insurance policy.

We welcome your call for further enquiries regarding your travel plans and insurance.

Please click the button below to purchase travel insurance directly from
our travel partners. A new window will open where you can start typing
in all the information. After getting the quote simply click on purchase
and pay online. If you require any assistance, please feel free to call
us any time!

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